Under my umbrella…

As I have said before… I love Autumn, love Winter fashion and well… I got to thinking about the humble umbrella. Rihanna thought they were worth a song, I definitely think they are worth a post!

umbrella_earring studs in sterling silver 02

A few years ago my Mum bought me one while ‘Garage Sailing’ (yes we call it that). It was a $3, cute, polka dot, navy and white umbrella that I still proudly use. I have often given umbrella’s as gifts to my Autumn or Winter baby friends as they are handy, not something you would spend your own cash on and if cute enough… you won’t forget to leave home without it!

Some online finds if you are after something a little bit special…

Gina and May

Everyday Umbrella

please copy and photoshop colour of this image to laro-sumb-orch-oth



Worth a click… many more designs to brighten up your day!